Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fall Has Fell, Finally!

I'm doing the happy dance, a rain dance! We FINALLY have cooler temps and rain. It has been a hot, dry autumn. Relief!

The persimmons are dropping. Have you ever eaten a raw persimmon? I'd love to hear your experience. I find raw persimmons to be very, very sweet and mushy. I like them, tho I like them even better cooked up in persimmon puddings.

Persimmon photo from Corbis


  1. My grandmother used to make persimmon pudding with warm lemon sauce. OMG, so good! That's the only way I can think of eating them!

  2. I've never eaten them. My only memory of persimmons is my older brother pelting me with them as I ran home from the school bus! Boys!

  3. I have experiences with American, Chinese and Japanese persimmons. The Chinese variety is large and sweet (when fully ripe); the Japanese ones are smaller but sweet, so they are good to make dried (preserved) persimmons. I'm surprised to see how small the American ones are, but they taste barely OK for me. We can get Asian persimmons at our local oriental foodmat here at Ohio. And it's time to look for them now. I'm going out for them now...
    -- Probably you've seen this:

  4. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Stephanie--Thank you for your comment over at Ateavablog. I'm actually a regular visitor to your "Cup of Tea" and a fan!

    Speaking of persimmons, one word: Sujonggwa


  5. Wow - I just googled sujonggwa - and how delighted I was to discover its connection to tea! Thank you!

    For the others who are curious, try this URL:

  6. But you must make some Sujonggwa...let us know about it.


  7. It is my favorite fruit of its season. Although I must admit, I never had permissions in any other form than raw.


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