Thursday, October 04, 2007

So Funny and Cute, Too!

Check out this very funny video blog about making a cup of tea! (And Charlie is a cutie, too.)
The video has definite laugh-out-loud potential!

Thanks to Ateava for sharing this.

Also - be sure to read the comments in the 10/3 post about the tea contest. So many poets among us! I am just so honored to read their words. I hope more of you enter the contest!


  1. very cute..yes, I am sure that is how they make tea over there ..maybe I will share with MM to get this verified :)

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Hi Steph! Pretty picture of you leaning in the stairwell. . .love your article about flexitarianism. Louis and I are eating almost no red meat, and we buy organic meat when we can--although closest place is the whole foods in Milwaukee an hour away. they don't sell it at our farmer's market!
    Hope you are doing well. Miss you!

  3. Funny how things like that YouTube video spread so fast and far! Very cute.

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Hi Steph! Thanks so much for coming by my blog and leaving a comment. I am back now after several weeks away. I was busy with a big move of our home into another house! You can imagine how busy I was with that task! But I am glad to be back and to have visitors like you!

  5. Somehow, the tea-stirring moments just tickled me beyond expectation! Ha!

  6. Hi Steph:

    I loved the "How to be English" video and your blog. My wife and I are rebuilding our tea company in New England after Hurricane Katrina forced us out of New Orleans. I'd like to send you some samples and ask you to view our video (still being edited). You cn contact me at I won't mention our company unless you give us the OK.


  7. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Thanks for the hat-tip, Steph;)



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