Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tea Contest and Poll Results

The poll results are in! Thank you for voting! Here are the results of how you pick your daily tea. Looks like we're a moody bunch. Ha! It's overcast and rainy looking today. I love days like this (especially when they come every so often, not every day.). Today I'm in the mood for autumn and will be sampling one of my new teas - Pumpkin Spice. I'll write about it soon.

In addition, I'm announcing a tea contest! Leave a comment on this blog about why you like tea (or perhaps why you don't) and I'll enter you in a drawing for 2 free tea samples. My fall teas are in and I'm eager to share! You'll have your pick from:

  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Lady Londonberry (an afternoon tea with hints of lemon and strawberry
  • Black Pearl (a vanilla and jasmine blend)
  • Strawberries -N- Cream
  • Ice Wine
  • Chocolate Mint
  • Snowy Mountain Jian (a very gentle Green tea)

Leave a comment, then check back one week from today, on October 10th, and I'll announce the winner. (I may need the winner to e-mail me with contact information.)


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Why I like tea:
    1. I savor the ritual of drinking a cup of tea to wake up my brain in the morning while I read the news (I'm not a morning person, so I need this time to be ready for the world).
    2. It reminds me of the people I care most about in the world who I share life with (and usually involves having tea). :D

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Tea was something that was not allowed in my home growing up. Tea for me was a defining thing that I do to set myself apart from myself in the past to the me today.

    Not only that but where else can you get so much pleasure and relaxation in a cup for so few calories.

  3. Steph, I will link to this contest later this week. You know why I like tea! But the number one reason is because I find it a guiltless, good for me pleasure.

  4. Hmmm...why do I like tea?

    I love the health benefits that I fully believe in. I love how tea is such a clean beverage- it isn't clouded with chocolate shavings, whipped cream, caramel, flavored syrup, and all of those other crazy drink additions. I love the flavor of a tanic black tea with a bit of milk- I imagine I'm hangin' out with some sherpas in Tibet when I drink Darjeeling! I love a light grassy green or white in a tiny cup. I love a smooth vanilla rooibos in a chunky mug that I can wrap myself around with a good book. Tea appeals to all of my senses so it is easy to experience it rather than just drink it!

  5. i like tea because it is crisp on my tongue, has no calories or sweeteners to murk up the taste, is a way for me to engage directly with the spirit/essence of the tea plant and therefore come into closer connection with the natural world, & because tea awakens me to the world around me in a vibrant way.


  6. thank you Steph for your kind comment at my blog :)
    I think we don't need to have children to birth and feel like a mother in many ways :)
    have you chosen not to have children?(maybe I'm too nosey)
    well go on birthing great things and making yourself happy :-)
    Let's have some tea now ^_^
    I want cherry tea, what do you take?
    blessed be!

  7. Tea is my "comfort" drink! When I have the flu I drink "get well tea". When I'm feeling ummm....well just say a little bloated I love my cleansing teas. When I'm feeling stressed I drink my "calming tea". And when I can't get to sleep, I drink my "sleepy time tea". And about 3:00 in the afternoon, I love a good cup of strong tea to perk me up and get me through the rest of the day.

    OMG...I'm a tea whore!


    xoxox ~Jes

  8. Anonymous1:29 AM

    I like tea for so many reasons. It's not just a beverage, it's an experience - first the fragrance fills my nose, then the taste fills my mouth, and then the warmth spreads through my body. In a world of instant gratification and rushing about, tea (both making and drinking) reminds me that the slow way is beautiful in its simplicity and also better for me mentally, emotionally, and physically.

  9. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Hi Stephanie,

    Oh, where do I start?
    I love tea because it has been the link to so many new experiences and wonderful new friends.

    Tea has so many nuances and I enjoy the idea of choosing a tea to suit my particular mood. It can be comforting, exhilirating, or relaxing. It can be a reminder of times we have shared with friends old and new. It can be a ritual to start or end the day or a welome pause in a busy day.

    Thanks for asking, Steph!

    Hugs to you,

    Mary Jane
    Lifing my cup to all tea lovers

  10. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

  11. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Tea warms me in cool weather and tea (iced) cools me and quenches my thirst in warm weather. Also, when I need just a little something to consume, it is a lovely calorie-free treat(since I always take it black.)

  12. I love tea in the afternoon or evening, with a snack and a great book.

    It wasn't until I started trying on the variety of tea out there that I learned to love it!

  13. Pumpkin spice tea sounds so good for fall. Tea is just so soothing to me.

  14. Tea reminds me to stop and savor the moment. Tea is also an excuse to collect teapots, which I adore.


I value your comments, thank you!