Thursday, November 08, 2007

Argo Tea Cafe' and Chocolate with Bacon

Trendy tea sipping inside

On the way home from Northwestern, we stopped along Armitage for some window shopping and a cup of tea at Argo Tea Cafe'. One of the owners of Swirlz (cupcakery) had described Argo as the next big thing in tea circles. Argo was interesting - very much similar to a Starbucks in style, but focused on tea. What I enjoyed most was the wide variety of tea beverages offered - tea was the base of many variations. I had a "MojiTea" - mint tea and fresh lime juice with sparkling water. No actual tea here, but it was VERY refreshing. There are several Argo spots around town.

While strolling along Armitage, we also entered two chocolate specialty stores. The first was Ethel's Chocolate Lounge. This is a really cute place, decorated in chocolate and pink. We didn't indulge, but it would be a very fun place to catch up with a friend!

Pink and chocolate overflow inside

The second was Vosges Haut Chocolat. Now this was a very interesting spot! Creative chocolate blends were the feature, but the store also sold some clothing, boutique style. One of my most vivid flavor memories of the trip is trying a sample of chocolate flavored with bacon - yes, that's right! And it was kind of tasty! Tho at $7/bar, I didn't come home with any.

Wall of chocolate goodies -
Photo from Vosges website


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Bacon and chocolate - interesting! Salty and sweet, I suppose.

  2. I find Argo tea delightful and find myself wishing they were even a fraction as ubiquitous as Starbucks . . . . except that I don't want to develop a daily $4 beverage habit which, as a non-coffee drinker, I have luckily avoided to this point!

  3. Ethel's sounds a lot like the Chocolate Pink Pastry Cafe in Atlanta! And I look forward to visiting an Argo one day. You certainly don't lack for cool tea places in your neck of the woods, do you? Lucky you!


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