Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Baha'i House of Worship

Not far from the campus of Northwestern sits the Baha'i House of Worship (in Wilmette, IL). Unless you knew it was there, you might not find this exquisite building because it sits in the middle of a residential area. There is a visitor's center and anyone is welcome to sit quietly in the main sanctuary. Enjoy the photos. Some interesting points from the brochure I brought home:
  • The House of Worship was dedicated in 1953, after more than 30 years of construction.
  • It is listed in the United States Register of Historic Places and has been designated as one of the Seven Wonders of Illinois.
  • The general design is of a nine-sided structure covered by a single, majestic dome (symbolizing the unity of all people and religions under God).
  • While it looks to be carved limestone, the building's ornate decoration actually comes from cast concrete panels composed of quartz crystal and white cement.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it is beautiful! I can just imagine the peace inside. There is something magical about giant, domed churches, places of worship, etc. It is hard to describe.


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