Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Northwestern and Tea at the Celtic Knot Public House

We spent part of Saturday exploring the campus of Northwestern University, A's alma mater. I'd never been to Northwestern, so imagine my delight when I discovered that it sits right along the shoreline of Lake Michigan! Look at this lovely view of the Chicago skyline from the "lakefill," a beautiful walking path.

Read a little about Northwestern's history from Wikipedia. Pretty interesting. The campus was dressed in beautiful colors for our visit.

Here's A, looking like she's ready to head to class!

Gorgeous stained glass in the Alice S. Millar chapel on campus.

After strolling through campus, we headed to the Celtic Knot Public House (626 Church St) for some refreshment - afternoon tea, of course! The setting was cozy and comfortable - much like being in a pub. Although the tea came in bagged form, it was served with lovely china and the water was very hot, so I won't complain. The food was excellent in flavor and presentation. And, the price was right! This afternoon tea was only $14.95 - that's practically a steal as pricing goes for afternoon teas.

Yes, those are edible chocolate teacups, filled with a caramel sauce and covered in chocolate ganache. Oh, wow - yummy! And the scones were also very buttery and wonderful.

Next up - a visit to the the Baha'i temple.


  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Wow. Your trip looks divine. And along those lines, the chapel is absolutely gorgeous!

  2. I was going to comment on how pretty the Northwestern campus was until I saw the chocolate teacups and read the words "caramel" and "ganache" and then I forgot what I was going to say. ;-)

  3. It was an honor to show you around campus.

    It was a lovely place to spend 4 years.

    In the immortal words of Adlai Stevenson..."When you leave here, never forget why you came..."


  4. afternoon tea is a euphemism for sugar orgy I think. thanks for sharing these reports and fabulous images.

  5. Like Allison, I was going to comment on the beautiful stained glass, but i'm literally drooling from the pics of the decadent delights you had with your tea!

    I'm so glad you had fun.

  6. Oh my gosh Steph! I'm getting fatter just reading your blog!

  7. wow...the tea looked wonderful..well the food! love those chocolate tea cups!!!


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