Sunday, November 11, 2007

Julius Meinl

OK, here is my last Chicago tea trip posting....

Outside Julius Meinl, face on right is of the friendly manager as he greeted us

My travel pals and I had dinner at Julius Meinl (3601 N. Southport) and it was fabulous! Julius Meinl is an Austrian coffee house (with over 100 teas, as well). A friend of ours from Austria recommended the restaurant and explained that this would be a very typical Austrian coffee-tea house experience. Julius Meinl offers an Afternoon Tea menu, but we opted for dinner. We were serenaded at dinner by the sounds of live classical guitar/flamenco music.

Our meals were very tasty! I had kasespatzle, Austrian pan-friend dumplings with onions, garlic and Austrian Emmentaler cheese. K had a cheese plate and A had traditional goulash. Each was delicious.

For dessert, we had esterhazy, six layers of hazelnut and cream. Oh, my! yum!

Esterhazy, with the Julius Meinl logo on the teacup

Visiting Julius Meinl was another highlight of the trip for me - do go if you get the chance!


  1. That dessert looks wonderful. My son and I are meeting a new mom and her newborn at Julius Meinl for lunch this coming Wednesday and now I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for all the great posts regarding your Chicago trip!

  2. This looked like another fabulous stop on your journey to Chicago. I have never been to Chicago, and now feel I must add it to my 'must visit' list! Loved reading about your adventures.


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