Saturday, November 10, 2007

La Petit Cafe

Tomorrow I will get back to the final post of the Chicago tea trip (Julius Meinl), but tonight I will write about tea, chocolate and dinner. My Mom is in town and we've had a very nice day.

We started the day with tea (English Breakfast) and toast (cherry-walnut) to fuel us for the day of Christmas shopping.

We hit the Outlet mall and had a great time. We stopped in the Harry and David store and shared an awesome Moose Tracks candy bar - I highly recommend this!

We finished out the day with dinner (the DH joined us) at La Petit Cafe, a "French Provencal" restaurant. Yummy! I had gnocci with a yummy and intense cream sauce. This was homemade semolina gnocci, not the potato, tortellini-shaped, vacuum-sealed type I've had before.

A good day and I'm always grateful when my Mom can visit!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Glad you had some Mom-time! Your lucky to live close enough!


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