Friday, March 14, 2008

March Tea - Weight Watchers Recipes

Here are the recipes I promised from my Weight Watchers tea menu. Go here for the full menu and points estimations.

Weight Watchers Scones - 2 points/scone
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 cup buttermilk (did you know you can buy this dry and mix as-needed?)
1 1/2 cup frozen berries (unsweetened) - I used frozen mixed berries
cooking spray

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder. Cut in butter until mixture is dry but crumbly.
  3. Add buttermilk and berries.
  4. Place onto a silmat or floured workspace. Shape into an oval and cut into 6 wedges. (I actually cut into 8 wedges).
  5. Coat with cooking spray.
  6. Bake until golden, ~20 minutes.

Stephanie notes: Either I messed up when adding the flour (which is entirely possible), or something wasn't quite right with the recipe, b/c when I turned this onto the cabinet, there was NO way I could shape it into an oval. It was too wet, so I added about an extra 1/2 cup of flour to get it to the consistency I needed. Also, I baked about 25 min total. If you try these, please do share how the recipe worked for you!

Celebration Cake - 1 point/slice (1/16 of a 9x13 pan)
1 white cake mix
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
3 egg whites
1 small can mandarin oranges in orange juice

Mix together and bake at 350 degrees for 25 min. Cool.

8 oz. fat free cool whip
1 sugar free instant pudding (vanilla)
1 small can pineapple in juice

Mix together with spoon and spread on cooled cake. Refrigerate. (Tastes even better if it sits overnight!)


  1. Those scones look good! And 2 points can't be much. I agree about scone dough frequently being too wet to even pat into shape. Sometimes the weather has an effect on baking and sometimes the recipe is just wrong. I do as you and add more flour but then worry that may throw everything else off.

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hi Steph,

    Your scones look yummy.

    May I suggest that you add the frozen fruit first as it can vary in the amount of moisture it contains, and then add only as much buttermilk as needed to make the dough pull together.

    I plan to try these this weekend.
    What brand is the dry buttermilk?

    Have a happy weekend,

    Mary Jane

  3. Steph,

    These look wonderfull!


  4. Mary Jane, thanks for the great tip! I used Saco cultured buttermilk. Found it in my local grocery store (chain) baking aisle. Red lid with a drawing of a guy in a chef's hat on the front. :-)

  5. Anonymous6:05 AM

    very nice article, Weight Loss Pills


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