Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Blue Moon!

Happy New Year to you, and happy blue moon, as well. 2009 has been a year of sweet and saltiness for me. I've had wonderful vacations and visits with friends. I've had excellent health. I've matured personally and in my partnership. I've lost friends and family. I've had to adjust my vision of the future to include alternate possibilities. I've dealt with job and personal insecurities. And through it all, I've learned. I welcome the release of 2009, thank it for all it has offered, and look forward to 2010.

I've spent the past few days totally off-plan. I had the idea of getting my tax stuff in order, cleaning house, writing in my journal, etc. Instead, and thanks to the DH, I've been staying up late and watching movies, sleeping in, going for long walks, and doing nothing much. This is precious to me! I'm not very good at relaxing into doing nothing. Thank you.


  1. Beautiful post Steph~ Happy New Year! May it indeed bring the happiness you so deserve.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have enjoyed every minute I have known you. You are a bright spot in my life. Here's to 2010 wherever it leads us.


  4. I tried to gaze at the blue moon last night, but it was cloaked in clouds. Glad you had some lovely rest and relaxation with your hubby.

    Happy New Year.

  5. Good for you. May this coming year be a great blessing to you

  6. Happy New Year, Stephanie ~ hope it's sprinkled with magical moments for you and DH. xxx

  7. Lovely sentitment. May this new year truly be a new beginning for you.
    Sweet wishes.
    P.S. Our moon was so bright it just sparkled off the lake!

  8. Me too! I watched two movies in the past week, a record for me as I cannot relax either. Thanks for the post on the blue moon, I forgot to look but knew it was suppose to be there twice in one year. Happy New Year!

  9. Good for you! Sounds like you ended the year on just the right note!

  10. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I only know too well about doing too much! AZ tealover can vouch for that!! Good for you, and way to go DH!!!!!


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