Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Blog Wordle

Happy 2010! I was inspired by this blog to start the year off with a wordle. The wordle tool looks at your blog and makes a word cloud, based on words you use most frequently. Cool! See http://www.wordle.net/. I think it must have looked only at my most recent posts, given the words that appear.


  1. OMG, this is GREAT! Thanks from a fellow word lover!

  2. Anonymous4:01 PM

    If you go to wordle and search "esmerelda" you will see a wordle I made for you a year ago.

    xo Amy aka Esmerelda

  3. Love wordle. I haven't tried it for my blog. That looks like much fun!

  4. I love wordle. I use it for scrapbooking. My son discovered it one day at school and he makes them all the time.

  5. What a neat find! :)

  6. Making worldes is addictive! So much fun and kind of enlightening as well.


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