Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Homemade Life

I've been coveting this book for some time now. I've checked it out twice from the library. I'm still not sure if I will buy it. The dilemma is that I'm actually thinning my book collection, in anticipation of a move. Now's not the time to be getting new ones. But I love this book! I might give in. The DH (dear hubby) and I have a date to the book store tonight.

The book is written by Molly Wizenberg, author of the Orangette blog. Read the first chapter here. I love the book for two reasons: 1 - The recipes appeal to me. 2 - The writing appeals to me. The concept of the book is not new. She takes recipes and weaves them into stories. In this case, Molly's love affairs with food, her family and her husband. It's an interesting and touching read, and it has recipes that I want to make.

Last weekend, I made two recipes: Fretwell soup and custard cornbread. The soup is an Italian vegetable soup with white beans, cabbage (from our CSA), chard (frozen from our garden), tomatoes, etc. It's delicious and I've eaten it for lunch all week long. That's rare for me. I move on quickly with leftovers.

The custard corn bread is a bit of heaven. Take corn bread batter and pour heavy cream in the center before it cooks. The cream makes a custard that is really, really, really good. I didn't see this recipe on Molly's blog - so find it in her book! :-)

If you've read the book, let me know what you think. If you're waiting on it from the library, I took it back two days ago. :-)


  1. Chard can be frozen? Really? Oh, how I wish I'd known that before the end of the growing season, because ours grew like gangbusters. How do you do it? Raw, cooked like spinach?

    Thanks, Holly

  2. Now I will have to take a look at this book the next time I venture to the bookstore. The cornbread particularly sounds yummy!

  3. Holly - Chard is very easy to freeze! I just rinse it and pat it dry, then toss into a freezer bag whole. (I double-bag it.) The nice thing is that it keeps its texture and shape when cooked.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this book review. After reading the first chapter via your link, I'm hooked. I'm putting it on hold at the library.

    Your Fretwell soup looks delicous, as does the cornbread. I'll be exploring the Orangette blog for recipes. It's funny, like the author, chocolate dipped candied orange peel is a favorite treat of mine.

  5. I am a sucker for delicious cornbread. I will definitely check out the book. I've visited the blog before as well . . . delightful.

  6. Oh, Steph, buy the book! You can throw out another one. LOL!!!You obviously love it, and you use it. Just give yourself a gift and do it. It will make you smile I'm sure.

  7. Oh wow, you make me want to make these dishes! Funny, but I've seen this book before and knew nothing about it except that I *adore* the cover for some reason! Now I'll really have to check it out!

  8. The soup and bread look delicious! You have me curious now, and I'll have to put the book on hold at the library too!

  9. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I checked the book out from my library as well, and loved it. It's one I would like to own too, but I'm trying to cut down on the cooking/food books. Perhaps I'll just have to revisit it from the library.

  10. oh, i have never seen this book, but it want it! I am going to check the library this week! thanks for sharing.


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