Sunday, January 10, 2010

White Whole Wheat Scones

I tried something new today - using white whole wheat flour instead of regular whole wheat or white flour for scones.

Let's start with the nutritional value of white whole wheat. I read several articles on the web about it, including one from the Mayo clinic. They all indicated that yes, indeed, white whole wheat is good for us. Read more here.

I modified a recipe from an old cookbook, Recipes from Scotland. I picked up this cookbook while I was on the Tea in London trip in March of 2007. The cookbook was first published in 1946. I have the ninth edition, from 1969.

Basically, I took a regular scone recipe and substituted white whole wheat flour. I also added frozen blueberries. One interesting feature of this recipe is that it called for syrup as the sweetener. I'm guessing this might mean golden syrup, which I didn't have. I did have leftover Caro syrup (from the homemade marshmallows), and that seemed to work OK.

The recipe also called for the flour measured in ounces. I'm glad I got out the scale (instead of chancing the Pyrex cup) because the measurement would have been off!
The recipe indicated that I should roll out the scones, which I didn't do because of the blueberries. And because I had added too much milk. ;-) My dough was very sticky. I had to bake mine about double the time called for because they were very think. Nonetheless, all's well...they tasted good!

As for the white whole wheat, I found it to be very pleasant. The taste was a little less nutty/intense and the texture was less crumbly than a normal whole wheat. I can't say I liked it better, as I'm a fan of regular whole wheat. However, the white whole wheat is a good transition tool for those in my life less inclined to enjoy the dark stuff! Plus, I think it will allow me to make some food items that don't work well with the dark stuff.

I encourage you to give white whole wheat a try! I used King Arthur flour. (Per the new blogging rules requiring disclosure in product reviews - I did NOT receive any money or product from the King Arthur flour company for this review.)


  1. We've been using the white whole wheat for a while now. Even though my kids like regular whole wheat breads, the white whole wheat pretty much goes unoticed in other baked goods.

  2. I really like KA's white wholewheat flour. It's so easy to "hide" whole wheat flour and no one is the wiser.

  3. I like white whole wheat or a mix of white flour and ww. I rarely use straight ww any more, as neither of us cares for it, no matter how healthy it is. Good for you for experimenting

  4. Good job! They look yummy. I'm glad you were able to translate the recipe to work for you. Isn't baking fun!

  5. Don't know how I've missed this, but I did not know there was such a thing as white whole wheat flour. I'll be giving it a try, so thanks!

  6. Thanks! Had I seen that in the store, I would have assumed it was bleached whole wheat flour, not whole wheat flour from a white berry. I'm going to try this next time I'm shopping for flour!

  7. Thanks for the review of white whole wheat flour. I'll give it a try.

  8. Sounds and looks so good. I will have to try that flour.

  9. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Hello Steph,

    I came across your blog while searching favorite tea things.
    The recipe for the scones sounds
    delish. I use King Arthur white
    whole wheat flour and think it's a
    good alternative. I have a tip if
    you would like to use another
    syrup sweetner other than Karo syrup.
    Agave syrup is a very sweet syrup,
    and is low gives a
    slow rise in blood sugar compared
    to corn syrup or honey, sugar, etc.
    It might do very well in your

    Thanks for sharing,
    Marianne Coyne


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