Friday, April 30, 2010

Congrats and Our Poem

First, thank you to everyone who commented on my 5th Anniversary blog posting!  I was so inspired by our collection of 5 words that I have made a poem from them (see below). A fitting way to close National Poetry Month!  This collaborative poem is a real joy to me.

Now the winners...congrats to these two people selected at random!
Trombonegirl24 and SDQuilter

I've sent you both notes on how to connect with me - look for your prizes in the mail soon! 

And to our poem...

5 Words of Spring
by Steph's Cup of Tea blog readers

Flowers lifting their pretty heads
Fresh green flowery pink joy
Biking flower and house adventures!
Historic home and garden tours!
Renew! Refresh! Revive! Rejuvenate! Rejoice!

Afternoon tea in the garden
Heady scent of Orange Blossoms
Rain glistening on baby leaves

Pretty flowers butterfly warm weather
Good food on the grill!

Fragrance of fresh picked lilacs
Rejuvenation of Earth and Soul
Spring green tender Maple leaves
Hot chai with my Mom
My Garden Awakes! It's Spring!

New blooming flowers daily outside
Sipping tea to whispering wind

Sunshine warming my winter soul
Remembering my friends love me
I love my friends, too

Violets, pansies, dogwoods and lilacs!
Beautiful flowers and birds singing!
Sipping wine on the porch
Greenery peeking from cold soil
April showers bring may flowers

Glorious green and flowers delight
Wild flowers in the mountains!
Sipping First Flush Darjeeling Tea!
Sunshine, pussy willows, daffodils,forsythia
Cherry blossoms swirl, tumble, flutter

Fresh morning dew, new beginnings
Warm sunshine and bright flowers
Sunshine kissing the rose petals
Sunshine, green grass, flowering trees!
Tea time on the porch

New surprises each garden visit
My daughter's tinkly bubbly laugh
Replacing snow shovel with trowel
Nurturing nature and baby birds
Butterflies, wind chimes, books, tea

*Photo from Microsoft images


  1. belinda in SC7:36 AM

    Didn't our words turn into something SPECIAL?!!
    Thanks for this gift of the season

  2. Yes, a gift - that's the best description of it!

  3. I love them all together - what a great idea!

  4. Anonymous5:00 AM

    What a clever idea to turn these comments into a poem!!! Love the results.

  5. I am in awe of what you created from the thoughts we sent your way. Thank you for the gift of the poem and the giveaway!

  6. OHhhhhh, what a sweet poem! It was fun to find what I wrote --- and I'm sure others felt the same. Very creative! Thanks, Steph!


  7. Congratulations to the winners! A very fun poem idea. I love it.

  8. Beautiful steph! Congrats on your fifth anniversary ~ you continue to inspire me! love ya.

  9. Congratulations on your 5th -- I'm celebrating my 2nd --


I value your comments, thank you!