Thursday, April 29, 2010

Poem In Your Pocket Day

Here's my poem for today. 
I have 6 copies to give away! 
Oh, what fun to read and say,
"Today is Poem in Your Pocket day!"

There is this tea
I have sometimes,
Pan Long Ying Hao,
so tightly curled
it looks like tiny roots
gnarled, a greenish-gray.
When it steeps, it opens
the way you woke this morning,
stretching, your hands behind
your head, back arched,
toes pointing, a smile steeped
in ceremony, a celebration,
the reaching of your arms.

"Green Tea" by Dale Ritterbusch, from Far From the Temple of Heaven.


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Here's mine, a shortie Chris and I fell in love with long ago as we were first falling in love....


    In each world they may put us
    farther apart
    do not die
    as this world is made I might
    live forever

    W.S. Merwin


  2. :) Very nice, MKP!

  3. Love the poem.

    Here is a haika from Haiku for Tea lovers:

    indoors or outside,
    tea parties can always use
    a garden setting


I value your comments, thank you!