Thursday, April 15, 2010

Letting Go...

Letting go is a beautiful thing.

We are in the flow of letting go.  Of china and clothing, tea pots and cups and saucers, steer horns (another story!) and bicycles, a scooter and a car, shelves and file cabinets, tea books (yes, even tea books!), the lot...

We are letting go.  Of stuff, stuff, stuff.  Of plans and dreams.  Of control.

We are drawing to us new plans and dreams, new ways of living.  More flexibility.  Strength to not gather so much stuff!  Wisdom to know that life is one big lesson in letting go.  Of everything eventually.  That isn't meant to be sad.  It's a truth.  When I face it, embrace it, I shift into the frame of mind I desire.  Letting go is a beautiful thing.

*Photo from Microsoft Images


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    what a lovely message. -- ellie

  2. Gotta agree with you. It's just stuff and letting go is very freeing!

  3. The first dandelions have gone to seed in my front yard. I love them and refrain from pulling them out unless they're actually shading out a plant I'm trying to grow...and even then I usually just trim them back.

    I've found letting go of the idea of controlling everything in the garden has opened up the door for me to really understand the ecology of the plants, and create an ecosystem that's ultimately much healthier and requires much less effort to maintain.

  4. So how early can I be at your yard sale? (Just kidding! But I wouldn't be if I lived closer!)

  5. I think this is a fortuitous time for you, Steph. Upon reading your post I had a surprising and unexpected thought of the tail of the dragon and the mouth of the dragon and how this image forms a circle.

    And FWIW, while this is an ending and a letting go for you personally, astrologically it is a new year with the New Moon in Aries. Fortuitous indeed.

  6. MQ - And I am an Aries!

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I love letting go of stuff! It feels so freeing. Love this post.

  8. Letting go can be a very good thing. I am not planning to let go like you are, but still to let go of some things in the house, like clothes I haven't worn in a long time and books I have saved for who know who or what. It does feel good.

    Love, love your photo.

  9. Hi Steph, Did you receive my email I sent from work? I cannot access this portion of your blog during the day. From one "Letting Go" woman to another! xxx

  10. Interesting stuff! I have a new outlook on dandylions...though I will say dandylion wine is one of my favorite wines.


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