Monday, April 19, 2010

A Sunny Day at a Cafe

I recently had the chance to sit for a few stolen moments at a cafe (Stone Cutter's) and enjoy a cup of oolong tea. The cafe did a fine job with keeping the brewing process easy while giving me loose-leaf tea!  It used in-mug brewing filters.  I like this method because:  1) I can control the steeping time myself  2) I can use the leaves more than once 3) I get higher-quality teas with the loose leaf  and 4) It's pretty.  I hope other coffee and tea shops give this a try!


  1. It is lovely when we find a shop that knows how to make a wonderful cup of tea.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Looks great!

  3. I often use this method of brewing a mug of tea at home, but have never seen it used in a commercial shop. I am impressed.

  4. Wow, I've never been to a shop that actually served tea like this. Terrific! (That pastry looks yummy too, but then I'm reading this at lunchtime ...)

  5. was a very tasty chocolate croissant!


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