Friday, May 14, 2010

T-shirt Redo #2

One of my favorite T-shirts just got a makeover! I dig the message of this shirt, but I seldom wore it. You can see why.

  Here's the new version - much better!

I found inspiration from this blog post.  I didn't want the ruffles, but I used the idea of shirring the bottom and making scalloped sleeves.  I used elastic thread in my bobbin for the shirring and scalloping.  I wanted a flat neckline, so I simply cut out the ribbed band.  I took in the sides about 5/8 on each side, and also used the elastic thread to give it a wee bit of gathering.  Voila - from boxy to fun!

And the best part:

I got the T-shirt a couple of years ago when I went to see (and was totally blown away by) the Vagina Monologues.

See T-shirt Redo #1.  And see my other adventure into sewing with elastic thread.


  1. Cool fix! Great ideas!!!!

  2. I don't wear t-shirts for the same reason. Your makeover is much improved over the original version!!

  3. What a fun transition! Great redo.

  4. You are getting good with that sewing machine. Clever. I just pulled a bunch of tea shirts to put in a garage sale. Maybe I should rethink them.

  5. Love, love, love the scalloped fitting! :)

  6. Andrew Smith11:32 PM

    0_o???? i don't get the idea on which part of the link inspired you. it was a rufled customized clothes with no sleeves.

    Smith | cheap work clothes


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