Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can't Get Enough Of...

Pictured here with Sweetcakes. I'm so glad we got to spend time together in this very special place.  She and Esme gave me a gift membership. 

We enjoyed the gongfu tea ceremony with a Wuyi oolong tea.


  1. What a beautiful day! I really enjoyed spending it with you at Chinese Classical Garden, and experiencing the gongfu tea ceremony!

    Can't wait to visit again!!

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Hi there, this is my 1st visit to your site - it's really interesting! (I got your link from The Times Herald 'Tea With Friends,' Newnan, Ga.)
    That photo of the tea house (in silouette) is just beautiful!
    I'll be back to visit & thanks, Joanie

  3. Oh wow! This place is beautiful! I can't wait to go there once I get to come visit you. That is awesome of Sweetcakes and Esme to give you the membership...what great friends!! Love ya!

  4. What great photos! And the membership gift was a great idea. Happy to get to see Sweetcakes with you, too!

    BTW, I had been told to visit those Kohler bathrooms you mentioned but failed to squeeze it in this trip. Looks like we'll be going to Wisconsin about twice a year, so hopefully I'll get to see them before too long!

  5. It is a very special place. And a very special place to share with a special friend.

  6. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Looks like a wonderful visit all around.

  7. One of my favorite places! I can hardly wait to visit again.

  8. It looks like a lovely place for a nice relaxing afternoon. I do like all of the ironwork that appears in your first photo....very nice. I do think that a beautiful building can contribute so much to a good overall experience!


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