Monday, July 05, 2010

Grandpa and Green Plums

The DH (dear hubby) found a couple of abandoned fruit trees recently.  We've been enjoying foraged cherries, red plums and green plums. Have you heard of green plums?  I had not, and they are spectacular!  Sweet and fleshy. 

Plums make me think of my grandparents' farm in the summer.  They always grew plums - red and dark purple.  I ate many a plum straight from the tree and spent the afternoon with sticky chin and stained shirt. Grandma and Grandpa had an ongoing friendly debate about the best care for the plum trees, and forecasts of the harvest.  Grandma's plum jelly is among my favorites!

I would like to write Grandpa a letter and tell him about these green plums.  I would like to share with him my adventures in this foreign land, so similar and yet so different from my home.  Grandpa passed away last week and I miss him.  He taught me to enjoy life slowly, respectfully and simply. 


  1. So sorry to hear of the loss of your Grandpa. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Steph, so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Green plums in particular remind me of my grandfather; he had a HUGE tree in his yard...he passed 9 years ago in September...may they rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    steph, i'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. i hope you write him that letter anyway.

  4. good idea ellie. That would be a great writing idea.

    Thinking of you Steph.


  5. You will miss your Grandpa so much, but it sounds like you have wonderful memories.

    Yes green plums are delicious!

  6. Mary Jane3:48 PM

    Steph, please accept my condolences on the loss of your dear Grandpa.

    What lovely memories of a sticky plum eating visit with your grandparents. Hope you have some time to spend in fond rememberence of someone you cherished.

    We had a green gage plum tree and I have fond memories of Summer childhood days spent under that tree playing and enjoying the ripe, deliciously juicy fruit.

  7. I am so sorry about your grandpa. My grandpa is 90, and I know I will miss him so much when he is gone.
    (Here's a post I wrote about him: )

  8. Steph, I'm so sorry for your loss. Cherish those wonderful memories of your Grandpa and time spent on the farm.

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    What a lovely remembrance you have posted. It is touching.

  10. I am so sorry about your grandpa. I missed mine sorely. I kept saving up little things to tell them. The same was true for my dad. I kept wanting to tell him what was growing in the garden and discuss the weather withhim and how to protect the tomatoes from predators. Prayers for you all

  11. I just remembered that my grandmother had a purple plum tree and my cousins and I would wait and wait and WAIT for them to ripen - they came in in Sept. Wonderful fruit, wonderful memories.

  12. . . .thinking about each of you and holding a very special good thought :)


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