Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cranberry-Ginger Vinegar

Cranberry-ginger vinegar

This is a fun and fabulous project for the holidays!  (It makes a super-cool gift.) 

  • Glass bottles with lids.  (Don't buy these - use recycled bottles!  Above I'm using Tazo tea bottles, salvaged from the recycling.)  Wash these in super-hot water or in the dishwasher. 
  • A plastic funnel.  You can make one by punching a hole in the bottom  of a small yogurt container.
  • A saucepan.

Ingredients:  Fresh cranberries, fresh ginger root, white vinegar, bottle garnish like a sprig of rosemary and a string of cranberries (below)

  • Sanitize the glass jars and lids
  • Wash the cranberries (a handful per bottle)
  • Wash and peel the ginger root; cut into small match-stick sized slices (6-8 per bottle)

  • Determine how much vinegar you need for the bottles (a quick pour in/pour out works well).
  • Bring the vinegar to a boil in a saucepan.
  • While the vinegar is heating, place a handful of cranberries and the ginger in each bottle.
  • After the vinegar has boiled, let it cool for just a minute to make it easier to handle.
  • Using the funnel, pour the vinegar into the glasses.  The cranberries will pop and immediately begin turning the vinegar into this lovely pink color!
  • Let the vinegar sit for a day or two.  Pour out and save the pink liquid while straining the ginger and cranberries. 
  • Refill the jars with the pink vinegar and new cranberries/ginger.  Garnish the bottle and enjoy.
  • This should be stored in the fridge.  I will use it on rice, or in a oil-vinegar dressing.


  1. Teafan9:51 AM

    The vinegar is such a pretty color! I bet it takes on a nice spicyness from the ginger, too.

  2. This looks fantastic! I would gladly give this is a gift, thanks a ton for sharing the recipe!

  3. I've just had this vinegar on a salad, a simple oil-vinegar dressing. It was really good!

  4. Beautiful pictures! How did you get the cranberries to line up like that?

  5. So pretty and can't wait to try it.

  6. Absolutely great idea. I need to make a bunch of presents for people who are diabetic and this is such a great gift! Thanks. I made basil, rosemary and chive this summer, but this is great for Christmas

  7. Sweetcakes - If you're talking about the garnish, I strung them with a needle and string.

  8. Oh wow, I love *everything* about this project! The thriftiness, the beauty, the simplicity -- and they're FLAVORS I just love! Thanks for sharing this!


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