Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wise Women Wednesday - #4 and Giveaway

This week's question:
How do you remain true to your unique life's path?

It would be easy to ask a question about gratitude today, but I'm sure you're already thinking grateful thoughts.  So let's take a different approach...I want to know what strategies you employ to stay focused on being honestly YOU regardless of pressures from society.  I look forward to your responses!


Congratulations to last week's giveaway winner, Mary Jane

(Her name was randomly chosen from the commenters.)

This is my last Wise Women question for the month, but I've enjoyed this so much I'm sure I'll bring it around again.  For what it's worth, these questions are very real to me and I take your thoughts to heart. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. A lot of detours!

    Also a lot of questioning-"Is this really what I want?" "Does this make me happy?" "Does this feel like me or am I forcing it to fit and in doing so changing it's essence?"

  2. I think my writing helps me there. It is hard to be un-authentic on paper. Although I am sure many people can use the written word to perpetuate a self they do not love or relate to, for me it is the one true path to understanding who I am and how I want to get there. There is no greater truth then pencil on paper. (or in my case the sound of typing on a keyboard.)

  3. I remain true to myself by trying to be humble , comfortable , and good with others .

    tumblemumbo at

    I found your article through the daily blog summary of Tea Talk .

  4. Staying true to my life path. Yes, lots of detours and sometimes I don't know what the life path is until I stop and evaluate, write in the journal, make lists, and refocus. I do that for sure at this time of year as we approach a new year. And sometimes actually do it again during the year when I feel I am losing focus and getting off track. It is definitely a life time job.

  5. Mary Jane6:27 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving, Steph. I am so excited to have won last week's giveaway. I will look forward to my surprise package. Thank you!

    I have found that remaining true to myself has been an evolution.
    As soon as I realized that I am the one that has to live my life, it became a joyful part of living to express who I am. To do this, I have had to set some boundries and as a result it has changed some of my relatiionship for the better. I also try to acknowledge that others are on a similar quest and I try to respect the boundries that they may have set.

  6. Congrats to Esme, you win!


I value your comments, thank you!