Monday, December 20, 2010

Japanese Garden on a Rainy Day

The DH and I recently visited the Japanese Garden in Portland.  It was a drizzly, cool day, and it was a fantastic time to visit! Here are some photos to enjoy.  The artwork above and below is by Shihoko Fukumoto.  She dyes this sheer fabric with indigo, in a very traditional manner.  Read more.  The forms are gorgeous!  Above, a demonstration tea ceremony.

And some views of the garden from our stroll...


  1. This looks like such a beautiful place to visit -- and I'm so jealous of all you get to explore in your new town! (P.S. The book got lost under some layers on my desk but was mailed today!)

  2. Wow! Your pictures are beautiful!

  3. Thanks for the great photos of the Japanese Garden.

  4. Beautiful! I haven't been to the Japanese Garden in the winter. Love the indigo dyed fabric.

  5. Wow beautiful japanese garden.

    Just like to share with you a funny quotes...

    "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying." - Woody Allen

    You can get more funny quotes at

  6. One of my favorite places to visit. It looks so different in the winter, but still beautiful and charming. Thank you for sharing!


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