Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Special Holiday Tea

I feel so pampered and loved!  My friend Sweetcakes recently held a tea party while I visited, allowing me to spend some quality time with friends.  Thank you!

It was a beautiful day.  The fire blazed, the teas smelled heavenly, and I was so happy to see my friends.  The place settings were winter white, with pink and silver accents.  It perfectly accompanied the snow outside and the rose in my friends' cheeks from the crisp air.

We began the tea feast with white bean-rosemary soup.  Then we enjoyed egg salad, chicken salad, and cucumber tea sandwiches.

The scones were cranberry-orange served with cream, orange marmalade and cranberry relish. For desert, we had an amazing assortment of Christmas cookies and candies, and sweet and salty chocolate cupcakes.

And if this wasn't enough, the next day I enjoyed an inspiring brunch, prepared by Esme, and in the company of my writing friends.
Two very special women. Thank you for making my visit home one that I will treasure!


  1. What a feast! What a lovely table setting! It looked like a wonderful day where you were spoiled, how fun!!! I've been so busy I didn't get a chance to see you had a give away. You sure had a ton of wonderful comments. A very happy New Year to you, thanks for stopping by and leaving a thoughtful comment.

  2. So happy you got to go home and spend time with close friends. And what a treat!- that cookie tray would put Martha Stewart to shame! Happy New Year Steph.

  3. What a beautiful tea prepared by an obviously very special friend! Your homecoming looks full of wonderful gatherings and memories. Happy New Year Steph!

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    The pink stemware is lovely!

  5. Steph, thanks for taking time away from your family, and for making the 3 hour drive to come and see us! It was such a gift to spend time with you around the holiday, even if it was a short visit!

  6. What a lovely holiday tea and special visit with friends.

  7. Wow, Stephanie! What special friends to celebrate with tea and lunch. I just know that made the trip home extra special.

  8. What an *incredible* teatime spread! Looks delightful -- and to be in the company of dear friends -- well, it just doesn't get any better than that!


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