Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pink Cherry Puffs

It's like a fairy tale around here right now...with all the pink cherry blossom! I've had a little fun in PhotoShop Elements.


  1. So beautiful! I love flowering cherry trees. I keep checking the one outside my front window, and it has no blossoms yet. But the cherry farmer down the road has an entire orchard full of blossom. Mine will come in time, I guess. It looks like you had a wonderful time in Photoshop!

  2. What fun! Did you take the picture when we were down by the river? Love it. Tomorrow I will be playing photoshop element too.

  3. @Marilyn - Yep, down by the river with you. ;-)

  4. Love your photos. DH and I enjoyed the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC last week and it was beautiful and we had a sunny and 85 degree day to stroll among the blossoms. Your photos shop trio gives them lovely nuances. I will have to try that with some of my pics. The cherry trees here at Amherst Rose will be bursting forth soon!

    Sending you a Spring Hug,

    Mary Jane

  5. Beautiful and yet more beautiful


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