Friday, April 15, 2011

A Working Girl's Tea Party

Marilyn has published a book!  I'm so thrilled for her.  It's called Tea Party in your Cupboard, and it encourages us to make a tea party today - with what we have at home! Seize and savor the moment. 

Inspired by this, along with conversations from a road trip to Chicago a few years ago, I decided to finally put into action a tea party in which nothing - NOTHING - was homemade.  I used the toaster oven to heat something, and that's it.  So thanks to Trader Joe's (where I got it all*), the DH and I had a lovely tea supper in front of the fire. 

My overarching thought is that sometimes we just don't have time to cook.   I work long hours (too long!), and my available free time is much protected.  It shouldn't mean I can't have a tea party,  even if I don't have time to cook.  To some, this may be heresy, and I missed making the treats myself.  But if it comes down to no tea party or a helped-along tea party, I'll take the latter. 

*All = All the food.  I used my own teas, which are (in my tea snob opinion) better than those at TJ's.

Trader Joe's, that fun food capital of the US, made this quite easy!  Don't have a TJ's near you?  Just look in your grocer's freezer aisle and think creatively.  Make use of bakeries and deli aisles, too!

First course: Crackers, cheese and kumquats, followed by spinach spanikopita (frozen - I used the toaster oven to bake)

Second course: Crumpets and plum jam

Finale: French macaroons and pistachio toffee


  1. Thanks, Stephanie!
    I love your store bought tea party. It is just perfect.

  2. I love Marilyn's book too!
    Your Tea Party in your Cupboard looks like a fun treat for two.
    Have you tried the mango sorbet at TJ's? It's divine!!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Now, that's my kind of tea party! (though I must admit that most any kind of tea party is my kind of tea party. But this one sounds especially cozy!)

  4. A tea party is treating your loved ones and it is truly the thought that counts. Homemade is great, but it is not worth killing yourself over and I know your DH or friends would rather have a pleasant you and stuff from the store than no party or a frazzled you whois too tired. Yay for Trader Joe's - I love their stuff.

  5. Love TJ's and their unique yummies! :-)

  6. Totally agree that a "helped-along" tea party is much, much preferable to none at all! This one sounds like it was great!


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