Sunday, July 10, 2011

It Was a Good Place to be Stranded

We were out for a long training ride on a lovely Saturday morning, when we decided to take a detour.  We'd spied the Lavender Festival signs along the route that morning, and wanted to check it out.  When we arrived, we discovered the "Tea Pavilion" on the back patio of the facility.  YES, really.  I found tea and scones in the middle of rural Oregon while on a bike ride.  Incredible!

We hungry cyclists tucked in and made short work of the scones and fresh berries with cream!  I was also pleasantly surprised that the tea served was loose leaf.  I had the lavender herbal, and the DH had a black earl grey.
Our seats in in the Tea Pavilion
The picture doesn't do justice for the view

After tea and scones, I had plenty of time to check out the gardens and the festival because I'd had a mechanical issue with my bike on the way up the big hill to the place.  (A broken chain.)  My gallant DH rode all the way home and back -- including the big hill again -- to rescue me.
A fairy garden

At the lavender festival, we were invited to pick bunches of the flowers to bring home for arrangements or for drying.  For $5, I brought home more than I know what to do with!  I have a lovely mix of four different varieties, including a soft white.  It smells so lovely -- to most of us, that is. (Sorry, Mom!)
Rows of lavender

Baby alpaca and parent

On the way up, we passed an alpaca farm that had a number of babies lounging in the pasture!

My knight and his steed Iggy (the yellow one); Mine (silver) is the duchess

The day wasn't as I had planned, but who can complain about being stranded at a lavender festival where they serve scones and tea?  I mean, one could almost think this was by design!


  1. Lavender, berries, and scones will reduce most troubles by a considerable amount! I'm glad you found respite on a lavender farm! I LOVE lavender!

    A friend shared this with me earlier this week --- and I think you might enjoy it too:

  2. Such serendipity! Lavender, scones, fairies, a gallant knight, wow! Fun post!

  3. Oh yes indeed, this was meant to be! Loved seeing the fairy garden and all that gorgeous lavender -- I can just imagine the yummy fragrance!

  4. Not a bad place to get stranded at all! :)

    Wish I could have been there with you!

    This Good Life

  5. Oh, very planned stranding. We should all be so lucky.

    I would love your microwave lemon curd recipe - it is such wonderful stuff.

  6. Teafan12:36 PM

    Tea, Scones, Lavender, Alpacas, and a knight? Sounds pretty great.

  7. What a treat to find a Tea Pavilion and lavender. The knight in shining armor to the rescue was definitely the highlight. Loved seeing your pictures. Now I am wondering where this Tea Pavilion is.


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