Wednesday, July 13, 2011

K, I'm Ready!

7 work days until sabbatical begins!

During my time off, I'll be enjoying a visit from my niece (and her mom and grandma).
I'm ready! 

I made this outfit for the almost-4 niece.  This is my first time doing reverse-applique.  I really like it!  It's fast and simple.

According to the niece, she and I are going to ride the train.  Her mom and grandma were not invited.  ;-)


  1. We're ready, too...well, almost. It's funny how much organizing I have to do for my DH before I leave. :) Love, love, love the outfit!...and Lola is going to have to learn to share you while we visit, but I guess some time for just the two of you might be alright.

  2. Very cute, it gives a nice 3D effect.

    Enjoy your Sabbatical and your time with your niece! :)

    This Good Life

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    That is such a cute outfit! We are all so excited to be coming out to see you, can't wait!!!

  4. What a cute outfit! I love the reverse applique --- your niece will look adorable! Have fun riding the train, you TWO! LOL! Leave mom and grandma behind with a good pot of tea. :D

  5. She will love it!!! Enjoy your visit.

  6. The outfit is darling! Your niece will love it when you ride the train with her. Have so, so much fun!

  7. That outfit you made is really cute. I love the color, reverse applique and the pretty toile fabric.

  8. a truly darling outfit! Congrats on turning out something so expert.


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