Saturday, September 24, 2011

Home and Jet Lag

Hello!  Well, after a 24-hour delay and about 24 hours of jet lag fuzziness, I'm finally home and among the awake.  I hope to reconvene the stories tomorrow,  tho I'm not quite sure where to begin.  Cheers!


  1. Can't wait and welcome home! I thought of the song "Let's start at the Beginning, a Very good Place to Start" when you said you didn't know where to begin. We want to hear it all, or at least as much as you can tell.

  2. Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful time... but I am sure you did :)

    Look forward to reading about your adventures!

    This Good Life

  3. Colleen6:16 PM

    Stephanie- You're doing well! I'm still jet lagged. I've enjoyed reading your blog since we got home. Was wonderful to share China and tea with you and begin a new friendship I hope.

  4. Welcome home! Am looking forward to the stories and photos! Amazing experience!

  5. Catch up on your rest first, and I'll eagerly await the reports. So happy you're home safe and sound, world traveler!


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