Friday, September 16, 2011

Mt Everest

Here's a photo taken from the plane today as we flew from Tibet to Katmandu, Nepal.  Mt. Everest was on our right, and I thought the plane would tip because everyone wanted a look!  The large peak on the left is Mt. Everest, tho there are lovely Himilayan Mountain chains all around.  This is just one of hundreds of breath-taking views.
Here's a closer look, taken by our tour leader Dan Robertson
We'll be landing in Delhi, India tonight and make our way to Darjeeling tomorrow.
I have so much to share with you about this trip (like climbing the steps to the Potala Palace and having yak butter tea in a Tibetan nomad's tent yesterday - real people in the remote Tibetan grasslands, anything but a tourist attraction)...but I will share much of that when I get home.  I'm focused on absorbing all that I can and sleeping when we have a few hours.  If the internet is decent in India (no idea what it will be like), I hope to get in at least one more post.  
Namaste, Stephanie


  1. breathtaking even in a picture!

  2. Amazing photos! Please have a cup of Darjeeling (or at least pick some!) for me!

  3. Wow...this photo really captures the height and magnitude of Mt. Everest in a way that I don't think any other photo I have seen of it in the past does. Usually I see these stunning views from below, but a good photographer can take photos like this of much smaller mountains.

    Having flown numerous times in a plane, and seen what the clouds look like from above, I am confident that only a very tall mountain could appear as Everest does in this photo.

  4. That a much easier way to the summit. Such a wonderful opportunity for you

  5. This is amazing reading and seeing this when only a few weeks ago you were sitting next to me. You're amazing, Steph!

  6. This is so, so, so awesome Steph! I am so excited for you and this amazing trip- can't wait to hear more!

  7. Wow... simply awe-inspiring and moving. Just wow :)

    This Good Life

  8. I would love to hear more about that tea. Your photos are spectacular. Can't wait to hear more. Happy travels home.

  9. How amazing to see those mountains poking up through the clouds. Can't wait to hear about the yak butter tea and all your other experiences.


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