Saturday, January 07, 2012

In Celebration of National Hot Tea Month...

I gave a talk today at my library about tea.  Specifically, I spoke (and sampled) three Chinese teas I brought back from the Asia Tea TourA fitting time, I think, since Chinese New Year is around the corner.  I had a great time!  About 20 people joined me, and we had a lively conversation. 

Tea is a fascinating subject, easy to discuss.  It has an intriguing history, a continually evolving present, a bright future, a wonderful diversity of flavor and aroma, and it's good for us too!

By the way, the lovely vest I'm wearing below was sewn by CO Tea Lover (thank you!).  It was a Christmas gift, along with the brooch.

Happy Hot Tea Month!  How are you celebrating?  (Update:  The St. Charles, IL library just published this list of reading for National Hot Tea Month!  Thx, Katrina.)


  1. Teafan7:37 PM

    I bet your talk was great. I like the vest!

  2. Love the vest, it looks really nice on you. How fun to give the talk, I am sure it was a great time with you there sharing your special knowledge of tea.

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    What a fun event! And the vest is beautiful! I am celebrating hot tea month by drinking the tea I received as Christmas gifts.

  4. Hooray for you! You're really getting the tea message out there! The vest is wonderful and looks great on you.

  5. Beautiful vest! I am sure everyone learned things they did not know!

  6. How cool is that? Where did you acquire your tea-knowledge, Steph? Any websites or books you recommend for a starting but enthusiastic connoisseur? :)

    Be well!

  7. That book list is awesome. I'm an avid reader and always accompany my reading with tea. Just found your blog, am really enjoying it.

  8. You look great in your new vest and brooch! Looks like a fun display for your program too. Spreading the word about tea, it's a good thing!

  9. Welcome, Bellen!

  10. 20 people!!! That is wonderful...did you have to do much marketing or did the Library take care of that? I LOVE the vest and broach, it looks beautiful on you.
    Love ya!

  11. That vest is spectacular on you, you've found a great style for you.

  12. I'll bet the guests enjoyed it greatly! (And you looked smashing in your pretty new vest and brooch!)

  13. This looks great Steph.

    Wish I could've heard your talk.


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