Monday, January 09, 2012

Tea-themed Gifts

I thought I'd share a few of the tea-themed gifts I received over the holidays. 

Reversible necklace, made from a scrabble piece.  "Keep calm and drink tea."  That's a motto to live by!

Sunshiny pot holders (with matching tea towel not shown).  These make my kitchen glow!

Vintage labels teapot

 Jigsaw puzzle, which I began yesterday.  I'll show you the finished product (eventually!).

And this lovely tea scarf, which I am wearing to work today.

Thank you to my friends and family who are so thoughtful, generous and giving.  I am very grateful.


  1. Love the scarf and the challenge of a good puzzle! Looks like you had a grand holiday!

  2. I love all yuor tea gifts!

  3. Sweet gifts. Love those pot holders!

  4. What fun gifts! The puzzle looks like my calendar. The owls on the potholder look like some owls I received recently. And that teapot is colorful and quite fun too.

  5. What great gifts! Isn't it fun when friends get you things they know you'll completely love? Glad you shared these!

  6. Colleen12:59 PM

    Love the tea gifts!! The scarf is beautiful- I'm familiar with Harshita designs- so lovely. and that teapot is fabulous! Thank you for sharing these very fun gifts.

  7. Colleen - I was not familiar with Harshita Designs, until now. Thank you for calling it to my attention!

  8. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Wow, those are indeed lovely gifts.

  9. You certainly received some lovely tea-themed gifts. Scrabble is a favorite game and that necklace is great.


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