Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Picnic Indoors

As a belated Valentine's Day gift for the DH, I recently made dinner, as in a real dinner and not my normal pasta-corn-peas-greens-cheese routine. I wanted to have an indoor picnic in front of the fire, and I wanted to replicate some of the foods from the Darjeeling River Picnic

I think it turned out great!  I made this Salad Nicoise and these Carmelized Bananas.

When was the last time you had a picnic indoors? 


  1. The picnic looks fabulous, Steph! I can't remember when I've had an indoor picnic, but after seeing your photos maybe I will!

  2. I love this idea! And it looks delicious! Love and miss you :-) xoxo

  3. How sweet! It looks like a yummy meal and so cozy in front of the fire.

    My husband and I had an indoor picnic at the beach last week-end, but alas, no fireplace. Watching the rain and ocean waves was very nice, though.

    Loved your photos!

  4. I love indoor picnics, but it has been a while since we've had one. Your Darjeeling picnic recreation looks delighful. It was an amazing day and you certaily captured the spirit of that event.

  5. Colleen2:45 PM

    You romantic you!!
    Indoor picnic in front of fireplace with that DH sounds lovely- and using the Darjeeling picnic as basis is perfect. Did you serve tea or have a cool beverage? I can imagine one of these newer tea cocktails as accompaniment!

  6. This looks like a terrific picnic meal!

  7. I haven't done this for way too long. Your picnic looks delightful and I am sure someone special enjoyed it.

  8. It looks delicious, and the perfect picnic food! I see the polenta didn't make it on the menu. :)


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