Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Korean Tea - Korean Noodles

I've been enjoying a Korean green tea generously shared by my tea friend Karen.  Alas, I have no photos, but see her beautiful ones here.  I agree with Karen's advice to brew this tea like a Japanese green, at a low temp (about 160 degrees).  It's refreshing and bright.

Thanks to another friend, we recently discovered a delicious Korean restaurant, Du Kuh BeeIt's a tiny spot and if you arrive late on the weekend, you may have to stand in line outside for one of the few tables.  The wait is worth it for the kimchi and hand-stretched noodles!

Pickled daikon radish and kimchi

Hand-stretching the noodles

The finished dish, so yummy!

Have you tried Korean teas or food?


  1. Hi Steph, I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the Korean green tea! I've never had Korean food before but it sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing!
    Cheers, Karen

  2. I have tried Korean teas at the WTexpo. I would love to try those noodles, they look delicious.

  3. Now why didn't we have noodles at the Seoul Airport???

    What were we thinking? Must have been the jet lag!

  4. Hi Steph,

    Great post!

    I had the opportunity to attend the Korean tea exhibition at the Penn State Tea Institute earlier this month. It was a great learning experience! Korean teas are wonderful! I especially love Sejak.

    I also had the opportunity to have lunch at a Korean restaurant in PA and it was so delicious. I now need to find a place in NJ becasue I can't stop thinking about how good the food was.

    It's really cool to experience food from different cultures. Oh my, It's just the top of the morning and I'm hungry already. :)

    Have a great day,


  5. Now I have been seriously craving something Asian for dinner ... this settles it! (Never tried Korean noodles or tea, but I'd certainly be willing!)

  6. Those Korean noodles look delicious. I'll have to see if there are any Korean restaurants in my area.


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