Monday, April 23, 2012

Meatless Monday 4: Breakfast (or Supper)

OK, so I'm spoiled.  The DH often makes breakfast for me, including chocolate-chip walnut pancakes (even though he's not thrilled about the chocolate chips).  I eat them without butter or syrup - just as they are warm of the griddle!  I am very thankful for the DH's indulgence. 

Our pancakes are whole-wheat with no sugar added (the chocolate chips take care of that).  The whole wheat makes them very substantial, more filling than a regular pancake.  Sometimes the DH makes them vegan by using flaxseed meal as an egg replacement, and no choc chips.  Have you tried carob chips?  What do you think?
It used to be that meat made an appearance at the breakfast table. Those days are long gone.  Most of us get by these days with cereal or bread.  I remember my mom making breakfast-for-supper as a kid, and it was always fun!  Who doesn't enjoy pancakes for supper? 
Yesterday, we had a late breakfast on the balcony.  It was a good excuse to enjoy garden-fresh green onions (with potatoes and eggs).  The eggs could be replaced with a tofu scramble or fruit, if you prefer.  This would make a hearty supper.

Do you like breakfast-for-supper?  What's your favorite meat-free breakfast food?


  1. Oh yes, I *love* breakfast for supper, and being a good southern girl, cheese grits are a fave and I can enjoy them at any meal of the day. Your pancakes look terrific, and I love that your DH indulges you!

  2. Cheese grits sound GREAT!

  3. Good questions ---- yes, I like carob --- alot. Powdered carob makes great "chocolate" cookies! Right now my favorite breakfast food: green smoothie. I've been making a different kind every morning.

    When I didn't have to cook gluten-free, I made a really good blender whole wheat pancake. It called for whole wheat kernels and had such a nutty flavor! I miss them.

  4. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I am with Angela on this one: cheese grits! yum.

  5. Love breakfast for dinner. Also realizing I need to let go of breakfast meats, as most of them really are not good for me. I have carob chips in my cupboard, but not sure I like them. Thanks for the meatless inspirations.

  6. I love a big bowl of oatmeal with apples, cinnamon, and raisins and a big dollop of almond butter for protein. Breakfast for dinner is such a treat too!

  7. Carob is NOT chocolate Accept no substitutes. In case you can't tell, I don't like it.

    I love waffles for supper or oatmeal.
    I use a lot of buckwheat and nuts in the waffles, or whatever fruit is around. My oatmeal is very traditional, with raisins.


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