Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Finding Tea – David Galli and PDX TEA

Soft spoken and reflective, David shares his story of finding tea as he carefully prepares an air-dried white.  Like the leaf itself, David’s story unfolds gently and slowly.  We sip and talk, getting to know one another in my favorite way, over many cups of tea. 
Tea made its first impression onto David’s life when he was a young boy. He spent time in his formative years living in Japan. Tea was a backdrop, establishing a presence that would return years later. As a young adult, David found himself navigating through Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (AADD). Somewhat counter-intuitively, stimulants are often used to help manage this condition. Through David’s research he found that tea and one of its properties, L-Theanine, showed promising signs. L-Theanine is the amino acid in tea that works synergistically with caffeine to produce feelings of alertness and well-being. L-Theanine helps modulate the effects of caffeine and the combination of these two compounds “works magic” for David. (Note: Tea is only one part of David’s treatment regimen.)

David’s positive experiences with tea as a wellness aid led to a closer study of the culture of tea. He began tasting teas with dedication. As his knowledge grew, he found teachers. Preparing and enjoying tea became a centering ritual and a guiding passion. Over time, David began to see an opportunity in the Portland area for a niche business, one focused on the community of tea lovers. He found a space with big windows, large tables and the right tea-drinking atmosphere. He sells teas “underrepresented at other Portland-area tea shops,” along with a nice selection of Gong Fu tea equipment and tea books and magazines.  I can vouch first-hand for the peacefulness of this tea space, having spent several happy hours there. 

I look forward to learning more about and even sharing a small part in David’s tea journey.  I offer sincere wishes for the success of PDX TEA and David’s endeavors. 


  1. Super post and I like this new series! Someday I'll get to Portland!

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    What a wonderful sounding place! And nice to be introduced to the owner. Jesse

  3. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Hi Steph,

    Please extend my congratulations to David. Being a business owner myself, I know that it is a somewhat daunting task to open and operate a successful venture. And thank you for sharing his inspiring story.

    Mary Jane

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Hi Steph,

    Please extend my congratulations to David. Being a business owner myself, I know that it is a somewhat daunting task to open and operate a successful venture. And thank you for sharing his inspiring story.

    Mary Jane

  5. That is lovely, Steph! Thank you (and thanks to the commenters) for your encouragement and company.

    Looking forward to our next tea time!

  6. Beautifully written piece, Stephanie. And a big YAY for PDX Tea (and David Galli!), which is destined to become a favorite Portland spot! I am thrilled to have experienced it since its very beginnings.

  7. I enjoyed hearing David's story and look forward to more such posts in your series!

  8. Lovely post. Best wishes to David with this endeavor.


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