Monday, October 29, 2012

Meatless Monday 14: Chai Oatmeal

I'm returning to this series after a summer break.  The rains have begun again here in the Pacific Northwest and I return to warm spices for comfort.  I experimented with adding chai spices to oatmeal, and it's a winner!  The way I made this was to simply use a cheesecloth bag of my favorite chai spices in the pot as the oatmeal cooked.  Yummy results, but I can make it even better!  Next time, I will first steep the chai spices in the milk (or non-dairy milk or water) for awhile before adding the oatmeal. The longer cooking time will coax out even more of the chai spice flavor. 

What I liked about this oatmeal is that the chai spices added so much interest and depth, I didn't even think about adding a sweetener.  In addition, it's a great way to add flavor to the oatmeal while using only water, for any of you looking to lessen your dairy.

How do you dress up your oatmeal?


  1. That does sound good!

    A little honey might just be the finishing touch. Or how about some shredded coconut or a dash of coconut milk?

  2. I'll have to try this, as I eat oatmeal every day, mostly for breakfast. I acquired another oatmeal recipe recently from another blogger for pumpkin oatmeal. It is absolutely fabulous.

  3. I like that idea of coconut flakes or milk for a finish! Finely chopped candied ginger could be good, as well.

  4. Haven't had oatmeal in awhile, but when I do I have never experimented. I just use brown sugar and milk. OK now I need to experiment. The pumpkin spice tea I have in the cupboard I think would be quite good. Thanks for inspiring me to think about this.

  5. Great idea and sounds so good! Last night I filled the crockpot for breakfast millet. Such an easy breakfast to wake up to.

  6. um, sorry, not a fan of oatmeal... but if I were, this looks like a good idea!

  7. Chai and oatmeal, that sounds like a great combination and much more appealing than the bag of chai matcha tea that I received as a gift and have not tried!

  8. I don't guess I usually add much of anything to my oatmeal except a little pat of butter, but the chai spices idea greatly appeals to me! Wonder if I could try steeping some chai tea in milk and using that to make the oatmeal. Hmmm ...


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