Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tea Party with Grandpa

Haiku for Grandpa
Grandpa comes to tea
Tho he'd rather be fishing
With you by his side
Check out the missing front two teeth - she's so proud!


  1. I LOVE the Haiku for Grandpa! :)
    And the picture of Lola and Grandpa is really great! We had such a wonderful visit with you.
    Love ya!

  2. I just love the family photos, but especially that last one of you and Lola. My goodness, she is growing and changing each time I see her. How lovely to serve grandpa, mom, sister, and Lola tea. I am sure they enjoyed it tremendously.

  3. What wonderful family tea time memories! Three generations enjoying the pleasures of tea together!

  4. Creating beautiful family memories with tea... perfect!

  5. Good for Grandpa for joining in! And I cannot believe how grown-up your sweet niece is looking!

  6. Dear Steph,
    your family-photos enjoy my heart!
    They are so lovely!
    Tea with a Grandpa-Haiku, that is perfect!!
    Best wishes and hugs,


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