Friday, May 23, 2014

Ten Ren Tea in Taipei, Taiwan

In Taiwan, the retail tea company Ten Ren is a big deal. (You may also see it called Tenfu Tea.)  We visited a shop during the Taiwan Tea Tour.  The first floor was retail, including teas, equipment and tea snacks. Upstairs was a restaurant (a future post!) and a tea school.  The company is associated with Tenfu Tea College and the Lu Yu Institute.

Here are some of the beauties I found browsing in the retail part of the shop.

Ten Ren also has shops in North America. Like any good retail shop, they sell tea and equipment in a range of price points and qualities.  One of my favorite aspects was the tea snacks.  I came home with black tea-walnut chewy candies.  Do you know Ten Ren teas?


  1. Oh I would have loved visiting this shop. That blue set is just gorgeous. What fun to find snacks to bring home too. It's those little things that make a trip like this even more special.

  2. What a fun looking shop! I enjoyed viewing the photos of the displays. Inviting colors and so organized! I have not heard of this shop in North America. I love the teasets! And the tea treats sound delicious too!

  3. So many pretties!! I really liked the blue teapot :)

  4. I do believe I've heard of this company, and mercy, what a shop! Those teapots ... those snacks ... and a restaurant too? Can't wait to hear more!

  5. This looks like a great stop! I've enjoyed a quick visit to Ten Ren in NYC. Although I didn't purchase anything special, my sister tried the bubble tea.


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