Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lunch at Ten Ren Tea, Taiwan

The English Text in the upper left reads, "Pu-Erh Vegetarian Tea Cuisine"

A tea person could go a little happy crazy at Ten Ren Tea in Taiwan.  First there's the gorgeous teaware. And then there's the restaurant, which not only serves delicious food with tea as a theme, but also includes vegetarian options.  And to cap it all, there's a tea school at the top.  Sigh!

We enjoyed lunch at Ten Ren in Taiwan.  The meal consisted of several small courses.  Mine included: 

Matcha Drinking Vinegar - VERY good!

Salad with a light dressing, soup with dumpling and loofah squash with noodles (not shown)

Main course:  Mushrooms and veggies in a pu-erh sauce (delicious!)

Dessert:  Purple rice mousse

To my fellow traveling companions - what do you remember having?


  1. How I would love having this meal. It looks beautiful and delicious too. What a wonderful memory.

  2. Sigh indeed ... this looks wonderful! And I love your phrase "happy crazy." May have to borrow that sometime! ;)

  3. This looks so very special! Am enjoying your reminiscing!

  4. This looks good to the very last bite!


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