Monday, June 02, 2014

Meatless Monday: Sorrel-Hazelnut Pesto (Vegan)

 Sorrel pesto

This pesto is so good, I promise you, you won't miss the Parmesan cheese! And if you don't have a source of sorrel, don't worry.  Sorrel adds a vibrant lemony flavor to this dish, but the recipe works well with other greens.  This pesto would make a delicious filling for a tea sandwich.

This recipe originally came from Portland Magazine.  

Sorrel-Hazelnut Pesto (Vegan)
1 cup sorrel, loosely packed
1 cup parsley, firmly packed (OK to keep stems)
3 green onions, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup hazelnuts (we use raw hazelnuts; OK to leave skins on; they get chopped up)
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 lemon, juiced (1.5 Tbsp)
  • Pulse first 6 ingredients in a food processor  until finely minced.
  • Add oil in a steady stream, scraping down sides as needed.  (I can't add oil while my processor is running so I add a bit, whirl, stop and scrape, add a bit more, whirl, etc.)
  • Add salt and lemon juice; whirl to combine.
Keeps in fridge for a week.  Freezes well, too!


  1. Mmm ... sounds yummy!

  2. anodyne@aol.com5:53 PM

    What other replacement greens for sorrel could you recommend? this sounds wonderful.

  3. How pretty and it does sound good. Been thinking about pesto lately. Summer gardens seem to be the best time for pesto.

  4. Very yummy! I enjoy making all types of pestos with herbs from my garden. Nutritional yeast adds wonderful flavors to pesto. And it's fun to experiment with different types of nuts. I've tried almonds, walnuts, and pinenuts. I'm eager to try Brazil nuts too. Rambling...just thinking about pesto...yumminess!

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The South American version uses cashews.

  6. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The South American version uses cashews.


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