Friday, June 06, 2014

Red Bench Tea

 Last weekend, I took my thermos and some Japanese green tea to the garden.  My goal: deep relaxation.  I sat and watched the DH (dear hubby) do his thing.  We have an agreement.  He grows it; I love it.  

Sencha, strawberry and thyme flowers

How do you like to relax?


  1. Love, love your "red bench tea". How perfect. Also how nice that he grows it and you love it.

  2. What wonderful relaxation. And beautiful teaware that's perfectly paired with nature.

    For relaxation I also enjoy tea and nature --- either in my flower garden or in the forest with wildflowers. Tea seems to draw me there.

  3. Like this except its 32 degree Celsius here ;-)

  4. Hi Steph,
    Long time since my last visit. This looks absolutely like my kind of relaxation- then off to "work" in my garden!
    Hope all is well.

  5. I love the arrangement you have with your DH --perfect! And to me, relaxation always means a cup of tea and a book!


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