Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Back to Glenburn Tea Estate

Woman plucking tea in Darjeeling

Thank you AM for snapping this photo!

A workmate pointed out that I used the word heaven three times in one sentence, as I was describing my trip to Darjeeling, India and particularly Glenburn Tea Estate. Beautiful tea fields, majestic mountains, ethereal mists, scrumptious meals, plenty of exercise and time for day dreaming, good friends (old and new), and of course -- Darjeeling tea! 

On the way to Glenburn, we stopped for a picnic next to a tea field.
The fogged-in field was other-worldly! 

The path to Glenburn is, quite literally, over the river and through the woods and up a mountain and through the tea fields. It's a winding, and towards the end, very bumpy journey. Along the way, you'll stop for a picnic in a beautiful scenic area. (If you're prone to motion sickness, as I am, take meds AND sit in the front seat!) The 3-4 hour journey is worth every minute. When you arrive, you'll be treated to a welcoming glass of lemonade and the kindness of the hosts and staff. 

Our first day there, we decided to relax and do a little exploring.  I requested a cup of tea and what arrived was Afternoon Tea with fried tea leaves, cake and cookies!

One of the best things about Glenburn is bed tea! 
Your wake-up call is a tray of tea, cookies and splendid views.

I had been to Glenburn once before and long wanted to return. This trip in early October was one of the most lovely experiences of 2019. Special thanks to my traveling companion AM, and the the staff of Glenburn!  Bertie, Audrey, Rudolph and team - you made us feel so welcome!

Me, taking a walk in the tea fields

Imagine plucking for hours on slopes like this! 
I have so much gratitude to the people who make our cups of Darjeeling tea possible.

The porch, where I spent many happy moments writing in my journal (and drinking tea)

We spent a morning in the factory, learning how the tea is processed and sampling the
Glenburn lineup

Dinner is a leisurely, multi-course event but always finished with chocolate and tea.

Somehow, I still slept soundly!

Bertie and Audrey (along with Rudolph, not shown) -- hosts extraordinaire!

It's heaven for me!


  1. I can't wait!!!
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful place in pictures.

  2. Wow, these pictures are absolutely glorious! (Can't wait to read your book about all of your tea adventures one day.)

    And Happy New Year, tea friend!

  3. Colleen shipler12:42 PM

    Aww- such wonderful memories this brings up, of our trip in 2011. Lovely pictures and descriptions are so evocative of the beauty and magic of Darjeeling and Glenburn Tea Estate. The only thing I’d add about the drive there was the bridge with so many monkeys! It was beautiful and the monkeys extraordinary- and I never got a picture of them!
    It’s a trip I’d recommend to everyone!

  4. Tea True7:47 AM

    What a piece of heaven!

  5. Darjeeling always rings tea in the ears of all. Thank you Steph for giving us this beautiful tour of your trip to Darjeeling through these lovely pictures and also your personalised words. The true heavenliness was felt even for us as readers and I should add that the pictures of different tea from the tea factory was so inviting to me, being a tea lover.

  6. . O Wow, these pictures are superb! Darjeeling is one of the most beautiful places in India, covered by the beauty of hills, mesmerizing sunrises view. Darjeeling is also known as “Queen of Himalayas”. The view captured is so splendid, I am planning for this summer to have some got time there. Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful pictures. 😊😊


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