Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tea and Books Sustain Me > Helping the Sellers

Tea and books help sustain me in these unprecedented times.  (OK, Star Trek too.) 

I buy my teas from small specialty shops, and they need our help right now.  So do the independent bookstores.  Below are some of my favorites. If you are in the fortunate position of financial security, perhaps you can send some love to yourself, your mom, your neighbor, your favorite nurse, in the form of tea and books...

Jasmine Pearl Tea Company: A wide range of quality teas, including herbals.  I'm a fan of Bombay Breakfast, African Grey and Yoga blend.

Floating Leaves Tea: A shop that specializes in exquisite Taiwanese oolongs. If you like light teas, try a high mountain oolong. If you like dark, roasted flavors, try Charcoal Dong Ding. 

Young Mountain Tea: Working in India and Nepal to make not only amazing teas, but also to build vibrant local communities. Try the Black Orchid and the Ruby Oolong.

Powell's Books: A Portland icon! Or support your local bookstore.


  1. Definitely support local tea people. I received an order recently from Floating Leaves and enjoying it.

  2. Thank you Steph! I enjoy reading your blog, now more than ever! I just don't usually post comments.
    Sips and Smiles,

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Thanks for the tea recommendations. I’m looking farther afield at this time of staying home alone- time to experiment! Re-reading tea books is another great idea! Shout out to Marilyn for her delightful little books. Colleen

  4. Yes, I agree. Tea and Books are two of life's necessities in these turbulent times.


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