Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Birthday to the Queen!

Today, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, turns 80 years old. Happy Birthday to The Queen!

This website has all kinds of information about The Queen's life and her birthday celebration. You can even send a personalized birthday greeting to The Queen!

I find it interesting that, while today is her actual birthday, her "official" birthday is celebrated in June - and not always on the same day. This year's official birthday will be June 17th.

My favorite part of the website is the decade-by-decade look at The Queen's life.

I'll be celebrating with a cup of tea, appropriately Imperial Oolong.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Not only is the queen an exceptionally graceful woman with quite a history of change in her lifetime (and a corgi-lover... who can beat that?), she's also hip - I heard on the news yesterday that she's into technology and text-messages her grandchildren (Princes William and Harry). I wish we could all be as savvy as she at 80.


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