Thursday, April 20, 2006

Kitchen Angels and Whole Wheat Shortbread

My kitchen angel was with me yesterday!
I decided (last minute) to make some shortbread cookies for a meeting with a friend. Well, I hadn't planned ahead and we were out of white flour (we don't usually buy it). So, I just made them with whole-wheat. I also sprinkled in some lavender, for the heck of it. You know what? I was pleasantly surprised - it worked pretty well! The photo below shows the dough after it's been "bopped" out of the shortbread mold, and one read to be bopped.

When I do this again for general consumption, I will probably go 1/2 and 1/2 on the whole wheat and white flour. For the DH and me, we're used to the heartiness of whole wheat, so I'd leave it the same.


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I think 1/2 and 1/2 sounds good. I know when I make whole wheat pancakes they are better with a bit of white flour. Looks like a fun cookie!

  2. Hi Steph,
    I'm thrilled to find your site. I wanted to make shortbread and was out of plain white. I love your photos (I have Old Country Roses). Also, the teapot pan is so cute.


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