Friday, April 28, 2006

Tea at PF Chang's

My Mom, Sister and I spent last weekend in St. Louis. It was our yearly "girls' weekend." I look forward to these every year! This was #4. While there, we had dinner (and tea) at PF Chang's. I was rather surprised and pleased at the quality of tea at PF Chang's. We shared a pot of White Tangerine tea. They brought the tea in a cast-iron pot. I didn't get a look at the tea leaves, because the tea was pre-steeped. However, someone knew what she was doing; the tea was just right. They had a number of tea options. I wish I had been a little less impulsive and paid more attention to the choices. :-)

We all enjoyed the tea. It was light with just a hint of fruit. No bitterness. A lovely cup, served in a lovely teapot. There was enough tea in the pot for each of us to have 2 cups of tea, plus a little extra. (The cups are the small, handleless type.)

Here's a photo of the family outside of PF Chang's.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I didn't know PF Chang's offered tea (of course, I've only been to one once). I'll have to try it the next time I go. It looks like you've enjoyed a lot of lovely times with your mom and sister in St. Louis. Tea always makes it better.

  2. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I love PF Chang's, but I didn't know they had tea. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I love the way those buildings look in the background. I've heard St. Louis is a nice place. Maybe once I'm a nurse I can move out of the ghetto of Albuquerque.


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