Monday, May 01, 2006

A Beautiful Tea Party!

Happy May Day! I hope your day includes flowers. May is so fragrant around here! I have lovely white and purple lilacs on my work desk. On the kitchen table is a spicy-smelling iris. Outside, scents of honeysuckle just starting to bloom are drifting my way. :-)

I had the chance to attend a beautiful tea party yesterday! It couldn't have been a more perfect day - rainy and chilly! Perfect for sitting inside with friends (and making new ones) and enjoying tea and wonderful food!

This particular tea party was hosted by the woman who made the cake I raved about in a previous blog. She is an incredible cook! Our menu included:

  • Three teas: Angel's Dream, Decaf Black Currant, and Alpine Flowers. The first two are from Serendipity Teas. The last one is from Republic of Tea.
  • Finger sandwiches: Egg salad, chicken salad, cheese puffs with avocado, cucumber dill, and asparagus with prosciutto. (I hope I'm not forgetting any - I'm going on memory!)
  • Scones: Orange scones with homeade blueberry jam and Devonshire cream.
  • Desserts: Oh, my! She made her own petit fors! Plus, we had teapot chocolates, raspberry cream puffs, fresh fruit tartlets, chocolate-dipped strawberries, and madeleines.

As party favors, this creative hostess used handkerchiefs (many vintage) to wrap up samples of tea and a small teacup/saucer candle. The packaging was as lovely as the gift itself!

:-) Yummy and lovely!

My friend does this tea party each year to thank her women friends for their involvement in her life. I was honored to be included this year. I know how much work goes into creating one of these things - hours and hours and hours and then some more! Thank you for your gracious hosting!


  1. Anonymous4:39 AM


    I was a happy attender at the wonderful party. Our hostess did think of everything, including having you give us a few minutes on the history of tea. You are a gifted speaker. Thanks!

    It was a wonderful afternoon. I wish everyone could be treated so royally every day.

  2. What a lovely way to celebrate friendship!


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