Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm Thankful For...

  • This moment - sitting on my porch with a steaming cup of ginger tea (tisane) and typing this post!
  • A patient life partner (the "DH" - dear hubby)
  • A family that loves me intensely
  • Mom, who taught me to be an independent woman
  • Technology that makes my far-away friends seem not so far away
  • Smart, efficient, creative, fun and kind co-workers
  • Health
  • Dancing (especially the Lindy Hop!)
  • Every time someone chooses to walk, bicycle, carpool or take public transit instead of driving a car
  • People who pick up their dog's poop from sidewalks, parks, other public places and especially my yard
  • That the DH is a good cook
  • Flowers
  • Do-nothing days
  • The wonderful blessing of working from home
  • Times of clarity when I can put my ego (being right) aside and focus on being happy
  • Chocolate, cheese, bread and tea
  • Afternoon runs on sunny winter days

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