Friday, November 24, 2006

My Woodpecker Moment

I was walking yesterday toward the site for the big Thanksgiving feast the DH was helping to prepare. (We served almost 80 people!) I was using the walk to get myself centered to deal with preparing tables and food for so many people. (It was at our church and since we're a "green" congregation, we used real dishes and flatware instead of paper/plastic.)

It was about 60 degrees, sunny and no wind. An absolutely delightful day and my walk was marvelous. I had just noticed a number of blue jays pecking around under cover of a brush pile. Then I noticed a bright red cardinal (one of my favorite birds). About this time, another bird swooped in front of me. It was a pileated woodpecker. These birds are beautiful and big! It was such a special moment! I stood there in awe for a minute.

Here are the specs on these birds. They're found in the Eastern US and along the West Coast.

  • Length: 15 inches
  • Very large (crow-sized) black and white woodpecker
  • Prominent red crest at rear of head
  • White throat
  • Entirely black body plumage at rest except a white line that extends from bill down sides of neck to upper flanks

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sounds like a lovely walk and a magestic "encounter". Thank you for sharing this!


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